Rudolph Moser, the “instrument maker and composer, musician and sound artist, has provided many great projects with sound design and music”. Probably the most known as a member of the Einstürzende Neubauten, is now releasing his second official solo album called METRONIA on the band’s own label POTOMAK.
METRONIA is a journey through the sound and music world of Moser, an imaginary place of longing. In 17 pieces, Moser opens the doors to the private collection of his musical research and work, right up to islands of the most intimate private moments.
The music on it changes in its diversity from minimalistic motifs to wide sound plateaus to driving percussion pieces and songs.
The album title METRONIA is a metaphor from metropolis, pulse and meter and describes a utopian place that is carried by a flowing rhythm. In fact, the starting point for the title piece was to produce a rhythmically powerful, dynamic track using the sound material and instruments developed over the years. But not only the musical
level is exciting, optically there are small works of art. A video shows in close-up what these sounds were actually created with. This gives you an insight into how Moser works and an idea of what you are currently seeing and hearing.
The album METRONIA is a journey of sound that you should definitely go on …